Monday, 2 May 2011

Osama bin Laden Dead

As everyone now knows, bin Laden is dead and his body disposed of at sea to negate any chance of his gravesite becoming a "rallying point" for extremists. Unfortunately, a picture of the deceased appears to have been photoshopped (Warning: disturbing images).

Shh... can you guys hear those weird scuttling noises? It's the sound of conspiracy theorists crawling out of the woodwork.

That isn't to say the man is still alive and well, as the composite could have been created for any number of reasons (his face was unrecognizable, etc). Nevertheless, it will undoubtedly create "controversy" within certain circles, something that is most unfortunate since we should be spending this time congratulating the U.S. and celebrating their victory.

Oh, and a moment of entertainment: Faux News is at it again.

In their wildest dreams.


  1. yup. truth is a funny thing. a3

  2. Perhaps you should look at the report's caption a little more closely...

  3. I'm excited to hear what those conspiracy guys come up with. They'll bring me a good laugh.

  4. Haha his face its all Oo!

  5. AMERICA: F Y! But seriously I do wonder just how big a role this guy had in the whole organization. With him dead, who will take over? It's a scary thought.

  6. FOX is planting toughts to our heads. Must. Kill. Obama.

  7. Haha, Fox News always on the ball

  8. I cant believe he was hiding out in a huge mansion for a few years.

  9. That must be why they're referring to Osama as Usama now... no more mixups! lol
